Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 13 - Post 2: Mission Critical Website

Upon looking at the Mission Critical Website, I was initially a bit confused. But, after further reading, I realized that this website offers a great review for many forms of arguments and reasoning that I have already learned in the class. For instance, I am very familiar with vague and ambiguous sentences, inference indicators, and many of the fallacies at the bottom of the page. While we just went over inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and casual argument, the exercises on this page allowed me to practice with these concepts to gain a greater understanding of them. As I read over the fallacies, I realized that I was not familiar with the false equity fallacy or the false compromise fallacy. I learned that false equity occurs when someone hopes to make a good point just by covering both sides of the argument. It also seems that someone would use this form of argument when they lack the solid evidence they need to make one argument particularly thorough. I also learned that false compromise is a compromise that is incorrectly reached due to a lack of information and rushed decision-making. I agree with the website’s statement, “If the issues under debate are too complicated or specialized for us to make an informed decision, then we should suspend judgment, rather than create a false compromise.” I feel that knowing these fallacies will help me detect a greater number of weak arguments in the future.


  1. Hi, nice post. I was confused at first too when clicked on this website. At first it seems overwhelming because I didn't know where to start. Then I realize that this website provide us about different types arguments and fallacies. It took me a while to read some of the concepts that I didn’t know about or forgotten about it. I am also not sure if the false equity and false compromise fallacies were cover yet. Anyways, your explanation for these two types of fallacies was very well describe. To be honest, I didn't really know about these fallacies either until I saw it on the website.

  2. Hello there! I liked your post because I agree with your points. This article was very confusing in the beginning just because I didn't know what to click and I agree it was overwhelming but it was a great way to look through each point that we went through before. I too, found the meaning to concepts that we learned of from a chapter ago and it also gave it a new light. I think this a great way to review. I too have forgotten about fallacies, but after discovering this site, it has helped me more than before when I first learned of it.

  3. hey, great post. i agree that it was confusing at the start because there was just so much information presented that it was sort of overwhelming because you didnt know what to look for. after looking around i found that it really does have a ton of information that will help with this class because it has topics that we have already talked about before and it just gives more information about it. i agree with lawrasaur that this is a great way to review.
