Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 11 - Post 3: Apple Polishing & Appeals to Vanity

In chapter ten of Critical Thinking, Epstein also discusses the emotional appeals known as Apple Polishing and appeals to vanity. Apple Polishing, in itself, is an appeal to vanity. An example of an appeal to vanity would be a make-up commercial. For instance, a commercial for Maybelline mascara will go over the aspects of their product extensively to show their viewers that their product will make them look beautiful. The part of the commercial that talks about how longer lashes will make you look prettier is an appeal to vanity. Discussing the “new formula”, how it separates lashes perfectly, and refuses to clump is an example of Apple Polishing. Apple Polishing allows companies to thoroughly present why their product is the best. Naturally, every detail they mention is not going to be completely true because other companies with the same product say the exact same thing in their commercials. Nonetheless, these appeals help companies succeed in advertising and selling their product.


  1. I also discussed apple polishing and appeals to vanity in post I wrote for this week. I like that you wrote about a commercial, a form of an advertisement; a commercial is seems like it would be difficult to discuss or analyze in terms of the appeal to vanity or apple polishing because there are often words, voice-overs, and sometimes there’s a five-second plot that shows up during duration of the commercial. The new formula of the mascara seems like it would appeal to people just because, if the formula is new and improved, more people will want to try it because they probably have more confidence that the company developed something super amazing.

  2. I also see this apple polishing and appeals to vanity in commercials. They are also seen in magazines. The commercials talk so much details about their making viewers believe their products really work. When the commercials describe the positive effects of their product, that is appeal to vanity. I agree that apple polishing makes companies present their products at best. Sometimes many of these advertisements claims aren't all true but that is how advertisements work. Not everything they say is true because many other companies say the same exact thing but different wording. Commercials advertising cars and other product show apple polishing.

  3. Apple polishing and appeals to vanity is in commercials a lot. It is seen everywhere to promote their products and get their customers to think that it is the best. I agree with you that other companies with similar products contain the same ingredients. Advertisements must show vanity so it appeals to consumers although their claims may not always be accurate and true however, it is how they market their products and draw in customers. Apple polishing is appeals to vanity especially because if the claim in the Maybelline mascara commercial says that it has a new formula then it must be the best mascara out there.
