Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 16 – Post 2: What was your favorite thing about class? What was your least favorite thing about class? How can class be improved?

My favorite thing about this class was the freedom of being able to complete the weekly assignments anytime between Sunday morning and Saturday night. This is my first online class, and I definitely enjoyed the window our class had to complete the assignments. Furthermore, I liked that we were able to vote on whether or not to stay in our groups. I was very happy with the people I worked with. It was also nice to receive responses to my questions very quickly from the professor. My least favorite thing about the class was that the group projects were back to back throughout the semester. It would have been nice to have perhaps a one week break before having to start the next project. I also disliked that our online quizzes were timed. I personally become especially anxious when I must complete a task in a short amount of time. People are already nervous when taking tests without making the tests timed as well. If I were to improve the class, I would increase the time limits on quizzes to relieve students of the anxiety. I would also remove the 12 hour restrictions between posts. Students already must have their posts submitted by 11:59pm on Saturday night. Dragging out these due dates only makes the work more difficult for students to complete with their already busy schedules.


  1. This was also my first online class, and I was pleasantly surprised. Although you did not like the 12 hour time restraint (I agree, the class would be a lot easier without it), it did keep me checking the website a lot more often that I would have without it, which I am thankful for. I am taking another online class this semester and because there is no incentive for us to be doing our work at a regular schedule, I missed class for a week and missed whole exam! I also agreed with you about increasing the time to take the test, it also made me really anxious to see a little timer in the top of my screen. Still, this was one of my better classes I am happy I took it.

  2. Like you, I also liked the freedom that this class gave us to complete the assignments. It made for an open schedule and I was able to efficiently integrate this class to work with my other classes. I liked that you mentioned the fact that we were able to vote on whether or not we stay with our same groups for the group assignments and that Carol was able to respond to e-mails quickly. It’s always really aggravating when other professors do not respond to e-mails until three days later, which happens a lot. Nevertheless, I’m happy that Carol did respond quickly – it definitely made thing easier for me.

  3. Great post, you mentioned a lot of things I didn't think of. I really did enjoy the amount of time we had to post our blogs. I think the downside of that was you think you have all this time so you push it off till the end and then you realize you are pressed for time with these 12 hour increments. That happened to me a couple of times, unfortunately. I hope that did not affect my grade too much. I did not like the time on the quizzes and tests either. Sometimes I would finish kind of early and it would worry me because I felt like I wasn't supposed to finish that fast.

  4. Hello! This was also my first online class and I did like the freedom of being able to complete my assignment within a certain time frame. I also didn't like how we had a 12 hour waiting period before we were able to post another blog post. I do believe the reason why there is a 12 hour waiting period is to keep everyone from doing their blog post last minute. If everyone did their blog post last minute, then it would almost be impossible for us to be able to finish our 3 comment blogs. If everyone did their blog post last minute, it would make it very hard for people to comment on other people's blog post.

  5. This was also my first online class and I posted many of the same comments and concerns. While I enjoyed the freedom of posting via the blog, a new form a communication for me, the removal of the time restriction would have been nice, but for me not a priority. Like you, I also found the time quizzes extremely stressful. I was already tense about answering everything correctly and submitting my answers on time (along with the added pressure of making sure my connection did not drop) that the time pressure was further tension. In addition, I also recommended that viewing incorrect answers, along with the original question(s), would have been extremely helpful.
