As I was reading through the concealed claims section of Epstein’s Critical Thinking, I realized that proof substitutes and shifting the burden were a bit more confusing to me than I had originally anticipated. A proof substitute is when the person presenting the argument pretends to have proof or statistics on the topic they are presenting, when in fact, they really have no clue themselves. A site I found for Bellevue Community College also states, “If the speaker does not actually cite any study, and does not give any supporting evidence, then they have not offered any evidence for the claim.” Looking into this topic a bit further helped me understand the idea of proof substitutes more.
Another topic I wanted to research further was shifting the burden. Shifting the burden is when a speaker turns their argument over to the audience in such a way that the audience feels obligated to complete their debate with evidence. The Kennesaw University website states, “If someone claims to know a fact, always look at its source. If the arguer cannot validate or justify his own remarks, then they probably are not valid (and cannot be considered valid anyway until proven otherwise).” Understanding these argument tricks is important when evaluating whether or not someone is making a strong argument in the future.